Archive for the ‘AIR’ Category

Adobe AIR Programming Unleashed

Posted: April 29, 2009 in AIR, Books

While roaming around Waterstones at the weekend with a mate who attempted to search every shelf for a CSS reference guide (way was this task so difficult?!?!) I came across a new Adobe AIR book by the trio of Stacy Tyler Young, Michael Givens and Dimitrios Gianninas by the name of Adobe AIR Programming Unleashed.

Where I normally find most books to be either too basic or have too few chapters of interest to be worth buying, this one is spot on from the perspective of a Flex developer moving into the world of AIR. No patronising chapters on how to add an event listener, just all the juicy bits about what’s new in AIR (1.5 as well) and how you can go about using them. I was also very surprised to find a section towards the back on FlexUnit testing and even how to go about building tests with ANT scripts. Two thumbs up.